Several search parameters have been thoroughly optimized. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Stash 36.0 bmi2 3401 23 23 680 81% 3167 28% 2 Berserk 5 avx2 pext 3395 23 23 680 81% 3167 29% 3 Bagatur 5.1c HCE 3363 23 23 680 75% 3167 22% 4 Slow Chess Classic 2.4 HCE 3362 22 22 680 77% 3167 34% 5 Nalwald 19 modern 3360 22 22 680 76% 3167 30% 6 rofChade 2.3 bmi2 3337 21 21 680 74% 3167 33% 7 RubiChess 20240817 bmi2 HCE 3333 21 21 680 73% 3167 33% 8 Xiphos 0.6.1 bmi2 3331 21 21 680 73% 3167 33% 9 Defenchess 2.3 JA 3321 21 21 680 72% 3167 37% 10 Fizbo 2 bmi2 JA 3303 21 21 680 69% 3167 33% 11 Schooner 2.2 sse 3297 21 21 680 69% 3167 39% 12 Combusken 2.0.0 JA 3295 21 21 680 68% 3167 36% 13 Laser 1.7 bmi2 3288 21 21 680 67% 3167 38% 14 Drofa 4.1.1 avx2 JA 3281 21 21 680 66% 3167 36% 15 Koivisto 4.83 popcnt avx 3247 20 20 680 62% 3167 41% 16 Booot 6.5 3236 20 20 680 60% 3167 45% 17 Wasp 4.50 modern 3233 20 20 680 60% 3167 42% 18 Andscacs 0.95123 3222 21 21 680 58% 3167 36% 19 Demolito 2023-11-04 pext 3216 20 20 680 57% 3167 43% 20 Clover 2.4 avx2 3213 20 20 680 57% 3167 39% 21 Nirvanachess 2.5 popcount 3198 20 20 680 54% 3167 37% 22 Chiron 4 3198 20 20 680 54% 3167 37% 23 RobboLito 0.21Q x64 SSE4.2 NLP 3186 20 20 680 53% 3167 37% 24 Deep Rybka 4.1 SSE42 x64 3175 21 21 680 51% 3167 36% 25 iCE 4.0.853 modern 3169 20 20 680 50% 3167 41% 26 Protej dev_20250308a 3167 3 3 34000 48% 3184 35% 27 Senpai 2.0 bmi2 64 3163 20 20 680 49% 3167 40% 28 Nemorino 6.11 avx2 JA HCE 3159 21 21 680 49% 3167 31% 29 Protector 1.9.0 bmi2 JA 3157 20 20 680 49% 3167 38% 30 Winter 0.9 New 3155 21 21 680 48% 3167 33% 31 Texel 1.08 bmi 3148 20 20 680 47% 3167 40% 32 Pedantic 1.1.0 3147 20 20 680 47% 3167 40% 33 Arasan 22.3 bmi2 3142 20 20 680 46% 3167 39% 34 Lynx 1.8.0 3142 20 20 680 46% 3167 40% 35 Igel 2.6.0 bmi2 3136 20 20 680 46% 3167 40% 36 Counter 4.1 3131 20 20 680 45% 3167 41% 37 Vajolet2 2.8 bmi 3119 20 20 680 43% 3167 40% 38 Mr Bob 1.1.0 popcnt 3097 20 20 680 40% 3167 42% 39 Cheng 4.48 avx2 HCE 3096 21 21 680 40% 3167 34% 40 Inanis 1.6.0 popcnt bmi2 3078 21 21 680 38% 3167 32% 41 Viridithas 11.0.0 v3 HCE 3071 21 21 680 37% 3167 33% 42 Naum 4.6 3070 21 21 680 36% 3167 35% 43 Tucano 9.13 GS 3067 21 21 680 36% 3167 32% 44 Hakkapeliitta TCEC v2 3062 21 21 680 36% 3167 30% 45 FabChess 1.16 bmi2 3033 21 21 680 31% 3167 35% 46 Dirty DUNA 3024 22 22 680 31% 3167 26% 47 Deuterium 2019.2.37.73 pop 3023 21 21 680 30% 3167 31% 48 PeSTO 2.210 bmi2 3013 22 22 680 29% 3167 29% 49 Komodo 1.3 JA 3010 22 22 680 29% 3167 29% 50 Hiarcs 14 WCSC 3002 22 22 680 28% 3167 27% 51 Crafty 25.3 JA 3000 22 22 680 27% 3167 30% Pool of 50 engines, average UBC rating 3190, TC=10"+0.1, cutechess-cli testing framework, Elo=+26 vs Protej dev_20250302b
Tuned piece values and their imbalances. Further refinement of the late move reductions table. Increased abstraction in piece manipulation on the board because the low-level code had something unconvincing and vague; now the code is much clearer, but it's hard to say whether there has been even a minimal performance improvement. Non-functional changes: increased maximum hash size from 2 GB to 8 GB. Fixed a long-standing bug in perft that caused it to run at 60% of its optimal speed; the update of the perft and divide block is still in progress. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Stash 36.0 bmi2 3382 44 44 180 82% 3141 27% 2 Berserk 5 avx2 pext 3381 44 44 180 82% 3141 27% 3 Slow Chess Classic 2.4 HCE 3353 42 42 180 79% 3141 32% 4 Xiphos 0.6.1 bmi2 3334 42 42 180 77% 3141 32% 5 Bagatur 5.1c HCE 3333 43 43 180 76% 3141 27% 6 rofChade 2.3 bmi2 3332 42 42 180 76% 3141 28% 7 Nalwald 19 modern 3329 41 41 180 77% 3141 36% 8 RubiChess 20240817 bmi2 HCE 3322 42 42 180 75% 3141 31% 9 Fizbo 2 bmi2 JA 3316 41 41 180 74% 3141 32% 10 Defenchess 2.3 JA 3308 40 40 180 74% 3141 38% 11 Schooner 2.2 sse 3289 40 40 180 71% 3141 38% 12 Combusken 2.0.0 JA 3277 40 40 180 69% 3141 35% 13 Laser 1.7 bmi2 3269 40 40 180 69% 3141 38% 14 Wasp 4.50 modern 3254 39 39 180 67% 3141 44% 15 Koivisto 4.83 popcnt avx 3251 40 40 180 66% 3141 37% 16 Drofa 4.1.1 avx2 JA 3244 40 40 180 64% 3141 34% 17 Booot 6.5 3237 39 39 180 64% 3141 39% 18 RobboLito 0.21Q x64 SSE4.2 NLP 3235 40 40 180 63% 3141 37% 19 Andscacs 0.95123 3219 39 39 180 61% 3141 38% 20 Clover 2.4 avx2 3211 38 38 180 61% 3141 44% 21 Demolito 2023-11-04 pext 3202 39 39 180 59% 3141 40% 22 Chiron 4 3195 38 38 180 58% 3141 45% 23 Nemorino 6.11 avx2 JA HCE 3188 40 40 180 56% 3141 31% 24 Winter 0.9 New 3186 40 40 180 56% 3141 35% 25 Texel 1.08 bmi 3186 40 40 180 56% 3141 35% 26 Nirvanachess 2.5 popcount 3186 39 39 180 56% 3141 38% 27 iCE 4.0.853 modern 3185 38 38 180 57% 3141 44% 28 Deep Rybka 4.1 SSE42 x64 3184 39 39 180 56% 3141 42% 29 Pedantic 1.1.0 3164 39 39 180 53% 3141 38% 30 Arasan 22.3 bmi2 3154 39 39 180 52% 3141 41% 31 Senpai 2.0 bmi2 64 3148 39 39 180 51% 3141 38% 32 Counter 4.1 3144 38 38 180 51% 3141 47% 33 Protej dev_20250302b 3141 6 6 9000 44% 3184 36% 34 Protector 1.9.0 bmi2 JA 3134 40 40 180 49% 3141 34% 35 Lynx 1.8.0 3133 38 38 180 49% 3141 46% 36 Igel 2.6.0 bmi2 3119 39 39 180 47% 3141 36% 37 Vajolet2 2.8 bmi 3117 39 39 180 47% 3141 38% 38 Mr Bob 1.1.0 popcnt 3115 39 39 180 46% 3141 38% 39 Hakkapeliitta TCEC v2 3113 39 39 180 46% 3141 38% 40 Inanis 1.6.0 popcnt bmi2 3109 40 40 180 46% 3141 36% 41 Cheng 4.48 avx2 HCE 3097 39 39 180 44% 3141 37% 42 Tucano 9.13 GS 3079 40 40 180 41% 3141 36% 43 Viridithas 11.0.0 v3 HCE 3075 40 40 180 41% 3141 35% 44 Komodo 1.3 JA 3060 40 40 180 39% 3141 34% 45 Naum 4.6 3048 40 40 180 38% 3141 31% 46 Deuterium 2019.2.37.73 pop 3006 41 41 180 32% 3141 27% 47 Dirty DUNA 3005 41 41 180 32% 3141 30% 48 FabChess 1.16 bmi2 3003 39 39 180 30% 3141 40% 49 Crafty 25.3 JA 3000 40 40 180 30% 3141 37% 50 PeSTO 2.210 bmi2 2983 42 42 180 30% 3141 23% 51 Hiarcs 14 WCSC 2982 42 42 180 29% 3141 26% Pool of 50 engines, average UBC rating 3193, TC=10"+0.1, cutechess-cli testing framework, Elo=+4 vs Protej dev_20250223a
Simplified the PST value management routine, saving a few bytes and slightly speeding up move generation (perft 7 from 11.18 to 11.08 seconds). Reconverted some functions for composing and decomposing middlegame and endgame score components into native code, as the overhead introduced by the assembly versions made them slightly less efficient overall. Found and fixed a bug related to the constants defining the maximum number of moves and plies, which were actually different across various parts of the program, leading to unpredictable consequences, despite being minor. Non-functional changes: replaced the old-style giant chessboard with one using the appropriate UTF characters for chess pieces, making it significantly more 'normal'. Updated the copyright year. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Stash 36.0 bmi2 3379 44 44 200 83% 3121 21% 2 Bagatur 5.1c HCE 3372 44 44 200 82% 3121 22% 3 Slow Chess Classic 2.4 HCE 3356 42 42 200 82% 3121 28% 4 Nalwald 19 modern 3319 41 41 200 77% 3121 29% 5 rofChade 2.3 bmi2 3312 40 40 200 77% 3121 34% 6 Xiphos 0.6.1 bmi2 3303 40 40 200 76% 3121 33% 7 Drofa 4.1.1 avx2 JA 3294 40 40 200 73% 3121 28% 8 Defenchess 2.3 JA 3290 39 39 200 74% 3121 34% 9 Schooner 2.2 sse 3289 39 39 200 74% 3121 33% 10 Combusken 2.0.0 JA 3288 40 40 200 73% 3121 31% 11 Fizbo 2 bmi2 JA 3288 39 39 200 74% 3121 34% 12 RubiChess 20240817 bmi2 HCE 3285 38 38 200 74% 3121 41% 13 Laser 1.7 bmi2 3248 38 38 200 69% 3121 41% 14 Booot 6.5 3247 38 38 200 68% 3121 36% 15 Koivisto 4.83 popcnt avx 3247 38 38 200 68% 3121 36% 16 Andscacs 0.95123 3235 39 39 200 66% 3121 32% 17 Clover 2.4 avx2 3203 38 38 200 62% 3121 37% 18 Deep Rybka 4.1 SSE42 x64 3198 37 37 200 61% 3121 40% 19 Nirvanachess 2.5 popcount 3191 37 37 200 60% 3121 40% 20 Demolito 2023-11-04 pext 3191 38 38 200 60% 3121 37% 21 Wasp 4.50 modern 3190 37 37 200 60% 3121 42% 22 Nemorino 6.11 avx2 JA HCE 3169 37 37 200 57% 3121 44% 23 Protector 1.9.0 bmi2 JA 3164 39 39 200 56% 3121 27% 24 Arasan 22.3 bmi2 3158 37 37 200 56% 3121 40% 25 Chiron 4 3150 38 38 200 54% 3121 38% 26 Senpai 2.0 bmi2 64 3150 37 37 200 54% 3121 42% 27 RobboLito 0.21Q x64 SSE4.2 NLP 3146 38 38 200 54% 3121 35% 28 iCE 4.0.853 modern 3144 37 37 200 54% 3121 44% 29 Texel 1.08 bmi 3141 37 37 200 53% 3121 39% 30 Igel 2.6.0 bmi2 3131 37 37 200 52% 3121 39% 31 Pedantic 1.1.0 3122 37 37 200 50% 3121 43% 32 Protej dev_20250223a 3121 6 6 9800 44% 3164 35% 33 Lynx 1.8.0 3112 38 38 200 49% 3121 38% 34 Winter 0.9 New 3111 38 38 200 49% 3121 33% 35 Counter 4.1 3107 37 37 200 48% 3121 39% 36 Vajolet2 2.8 bmi 3105 38 38 200 48% 3121 37% 37 Cheng 4.48 avx2 HCE 3089 38 38 200 46% 3121 37% 38 Tucano 9.13 GS 3088 38 38 200 46% 3121 31% 39 Mr Bob 1.1.0 popcnt 3072 38 38 200 43% 3121 38% 40 Viridithas 11.0.0 v3 HCE 3064 37 37 200 42% 3121 41% 41 Hakkapeliitta TCEC v2 3052 38 38 200 41% 3121 33% 42 Naum 4.6 3036 38 38 200 38% 3121 36% 43 Inanis 1.6.0 popcnt bmi2 3035 38 38 200 38% 3121 34% 44 FabChess 1.16 bmi2 3021 38 38 200 36% 3121 37% 45 Dirty DUNA 3017 39 39 200 36% 3121 27% 46 Crafty 25.3 JA 3000 39 39 200 34% 3121 29% 47 Komodo 1.3 JA 2991 39 39 200 32% 3121 33% 48 Hiarcs 14 WCSC 2987 39 39 200 32% 3121 31% 49 Deuterium 2019.2.37.73 pop 2984 39 39 200 32% 3121 29% 50 PeSTO 2.210 bmi2 2975 41 41 200 31% 3121 23% Pool of 49 engines, average UBC rating 3164, TC=10"+0.1, cutechess-cli testing framework, Elo=+6 vs Protej 0.6.7
Retest of version 0.6.7. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Bagatur 5.1c HCE 3364 45 45 200 80% 3116 16% 2 Slow Chess Classic 2.4 HCE 3360 43 43 200 83% 3116 29% 3 Berserk 5 avx2 pext 3360 43 43 200 82% 3116 26% 4 RubiChess 20240817 bmi2 HCE 3344 42 42 200 81% 3116 30% 5 Stash 36.0 bmi2 3342 41 41 200 82% 3116 33% 6 Xiphos 0.6.1 bmi2 3340 42 42 200 80% 3116 28% 7 Nalwald 19 modern 3319 41 41 200 77% 3116 27% 8 Defenchess 2.3 JA 3308 40 40 200 77% 3116 34% 9 Combusken 2.0.0 JA 3300 40 40 200 75% 3116 31% 10 Schooner 2.2 sse 3289 40 40 200 74% 3116 31% 11 rofChade 2.3 bmi2 3287 39 39 200 75% 3116 38% 12 Fizbo 2 bmi2 JA 3273 40 40 200 72% 3116 30% 13 Laser 1.7 bmi2 3263 38 38 200 72% 3116 39% 14 Andscacs 0.95123 3262 39 39 200 71% 3116 33% 15 Koivisto 4.83 popcnt avx 3251 39 39 200 69% 3116 36% 16 Drofa 4.1.1 avx2 JA 3240 39 39 200 68% 3116 34% 17 Booot 6.5 3234 38 38 200 68% 3116 41% 18 Wasp 4.50 modern 3217 37 37 200 65% 3116 42% 19 Chiron 4 3210 38 38 200 63% 3116 35% 20 Nirvanachess 2.5 popcount 3192 39 39 200 61% 3116 33% 21 Clover 2.4 avx2 3186 38 38 200 60% 3116 34% 22 Deep Rybka 4.1 SSE42 x64 3169 37 37 200 58% 3116 45% 23 Nemorino 6.11 avx2 JA HCE 3167 38 38 200 57% 3116 36% 24 RobboLito 0.21Q x64 SSE4.2 NLP 3163 38 38 200 57% 3116 34% 25 iCE 4.0.853 modern 3162 38 38 200 57% 3116 36% 26 Senpai 2.0 bmi2 64 3158 38 38 200 56% 3116 37% 27 Winter 0.9 New 3157 39 39 200 56% 3116 27% 28 Lynx 1.8.0 3148 37 37 200 55% 3116 45% 29 Arasan 22.3 bmi2 3147 38 38 200 55% 3116 38% 30 Pedantic 1.1.0 3146 37 37 200 55% 3116 44% 31 Demolito 2023-11-04 pext 3139 38 38 200 53% 3116 37% 32 Igel 2.6.0 bmi2 3137 38 38 200 53% 3116 38% 33 Counter 4.1 3121 38 38 200 51% 3116 36% 34 Protej 0.6.7 3116 6 6 10000 42% 3172 33% 35 Inanis 1.6.0 popcnt bmi2 3114 39 39 200 50% 3116 31% 36 Texel 1.08 bmi 3114 38 38 200 50% 3116 33% 37 Vajolet2 2.8 bmi 3108 37 37 200 49% 3116 41% 38 Protector 1.9.0 bmi2 JA 3104 38 38 200 48% 3116 33% 39 Tucano 9.13 GS 3075 39 39 200 44% 3116 33% 40 Cheng 4.48 avx2 HCE 3071 39 39 200 44% 3116 33% 41 Viridithas 11.0.0 v3 HCE 3065 39 39 200 43% 3116 31% 42 Mr Bob 1.1.0 popcnt 3059 38 38 200 42% 3116 38% 43 Naum 4.6 3057 39 39 200 42% 3116 29% 44 Hakkapeliitta TCEC v2 3041 39 39 200 40% 3116 30% 45 Deuterium 2019.2.37.73 pop 3040 38 38 200 39% 3116 38% 46 Dirty DUNA 3032 41 41 200 40% 3116 19% 47 Hiarcs 14 WCSC 3002 39 39 200 34% 3116 31% 48 Crafty 25.3 JA 3000 39 39 200 34% 3116 33% 49 Komodo 1.3 JA 2982 39 39 200 31% 3116 33% 50 PeSTO 2.210 bmi2 2978 41 41 200 32% 3116 23% 51 FabChess 1.16 bmi2 2977 40 40 200 31% 3116 29% Pool of 50 engines, average UBC rating 3171, TC=10"+0.1, cutechess-cli testing framework, Elo=3141
New official release.
It includes all updates released with the dev versions after Protej 0.6.6:
Non-functional changes:
It includes also:
Non-functional changes:
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 rofChade 2.3 3327 11 11 3200 76% 3139 29% 2 Laser 1.7 3306 10 10 3200 73% 3139 30% 3 Roc 1.9.1 3270 10 10 3200 68% 3139 29% 4 Schooner 2.2-sse 3263 10 10 3200 68% 3139 33% 5 Booot 6.5 popcnt 3249 10 10 3200 66% 3139 35% 6 Wasp 6.50 HCE 3242 10 10 3200 65% 3139 34% 7 Drofa 3.3.22 popcnt 3222 10 10 3200 62% 3139 31% 8 Senpai 2.0 3214 10 10 3200 61% 3139 34% 9 iCE 4.0.853 popcnt 3211 10 10 3200 60% 3139 34% 10 IPPOLIT 0.080a intel JA 3199 10 10 3200 58% 3139 26% 11 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 3196 10 10 3200 58% 3139 35% 12 Pedantic 1.1.0 3182 10 10 3200 56% 3139 36% 13 Hannibal 1.7 3168 10 10 3200 54% 3139 34% 14 Protector 1.9.0 3165 10 10 3200 54% 3139 32% 15 Rybka 3 1-cpu 3148 10 10 3200 51% 3139 31% 16 Cheng 4.43 HCE 3145 10 10 3200 51% 3139 30% 17 Protej 0.6.7 3139 2 2 80000 46% 3163 31% 18 Berserk 4.1.0 popcnt 3135 10 10 3200 49% 3139 38% 19 Mr Bob 1.1.0 popcnt 3125 10 10 3200 48% 3139 31% 20 Monolith 2 popcnt 3107 10 10 3200 46% 3139 33% 21 Polaris 1.8.1 popcnt 3073 10 10 3200 41% 3139 32% 22 Naum 4.6 3051 10 10 3200 38% 3139 28% 23 FabChess 1.16 POPCNT 3046 10 10 3200 37% 3139 33% 24 PeSTO 2.210 3023 10 10 3200 35% 3139 25% 25 Cheese 3.1.1 pop 3020 10 10 3200 34% 3139 29% 26 Crafty 25.3 JA Wb2Uci 3000 10 10 3200 31% 3139 27% Pool of 25 engines, average UBC rating 3165, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 80000 W: 24575 L: 30242 D: 25183 Elo: +62 vs Protej 0.6.6
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Wasp 4.50 73 32 32 250 61% -7 43% 2 Weiss 1.4 popcnt 59 32 32 250 60% -7 45% 3 Smallbrain 5.0 (NNUE) 23 32 32 250 54% -7 45% 4 Gull 3 18 31 31 250 54% -7 49% 5 Princhess 0.17.0 (NNUE) 13 32 32 250 53% -7 38% 6 Critter 1.6a 13 32 32 250 53% -7 44% 7 Avalanche 1.4.0 Haswell (NNUE 5 32 32 250 52% -7 43% 8 Equinox 3.30-x64mp -1 31 31 250 51% -7 49% 9 Altair 5.0.0 v2 -5 31 31 250 50% -7 49% 10 Protej 0.6.7 -7 9 9 3000 49% 1 45% 11 Counter 4.0 -42 31 31 250 45% -7 52% 12 Halogen 9 POPCNT -71 32 32 250 41% -7 42% 13 Pedantic 1.0.0 -78 32 32 250 40% -7 40% Pool of 12 engines, average CCRL rating 3200, TC=2'+1" (CCRL Blitz), Little Blitzer testing framework LTC Total: 3000 W: 794 L: 856 D: 1350 Elo: 3193 (CCRL Blitz scale)
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Protej 0.6.7 142 4 4 20000 72% -36 25% 2 Protej 0.6.6 83 8 8 5000 41% 142 42% 3 Protej 0.6.5 17 8 8 5000 33% 142 26% 4 Protej 0.6.4 -60 9 9 5000 25% 142 16% 5 Protej 0.6.3 -182 11 11 5000 13% 142 15% Selfplay vs. previous versions, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 20000 W: 11957 L: 3136 D: 4907 Elo: +59 vs Protej 0.6.6 Elo: +125 vs Protej 0.6.5 Elo: +202 vs Protej 0.6.4 Elo: +324 vs Protej 0.6.3
Improved the search function by adjusting the search parameters and making various refinements, resulting in slightly better move ordering and search efficiency. Non-functional change: removed the graphical embellishments used in console mode, as this mode is virtually unused and the extensive code did not offer any improvement to the playing strength. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 rofChade 2.3 3338 10 10 3600 78% 3133 27% 2 Laser 1.7 3315 10 10 3600 75% 3133 29% 3 Schooner 2.2-sse 3281 10 10 3600 71% 3133 32% 4 Roc 1.9.1 3257 10 10 3600 67% 3133 29% 5 Booot 6.5 popcnt 3255 9 9 3600 67% 3133 34% 6 Wasp 6.50 HCE 3252 9 9 3600 67% 3133 34% 7 Drofa 3.3.22 popcnt 3222 9 9 3600 62% 3133 30% 8 iCE 4.0.853 popcnt 3213 9 9 3600 62% 3133 34% 9 Senpai 2.0 3212 9 9 3600 61% 3133 35% 10 IPPOLIT 0.080a intel JA 3201 10 10 3600 59% 3133 25% 11 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 3192 9 9 3600 59% 3133 36% 12 Protector 1.9.0 3185 9 9 3600 57% 3133 32% 13 Pedantic 1.1.0 3184 9 9 3600 57% 3133 35% 14 Hannibal 1.7 3173 9 9 3600 56% 3133 33% 15 Cheng 4.43 HCE 3150 9 9 3600 52% 3133 33% 16 Berserk 4.1.0 popcnt 3149 9 9 3600 52% 3133 39% 17 Rybka 3 1-cpu 3143 9 9 3600 51% 3133 30% 18 Protej dev_20240811a 3133 2 2 90000 45% 3169 32% 19 Mr Bob 1.1.0 popcnt 3127 9 9 3600 49% 3133 36% 20 Monolith 2 popcnt 3119 9 9 3600 48% 3133 32% 21 Polaris 1.8.1 popcnt 3088 9 9 3600 44% 3133 33% 22 Naum 4.6 3066 9 9 3600 41% 3133 29% 23 FabChess 1.16 POPCNT 3053 9 9 3600 39% 3133 33% 24 Cheese 3.1.1 pop 3036 10 10 3600 37% 3133 29% 25 PeSTO 2.210 3027 10 10 3600 36% 3133 25% 26 Crafty 25.3 JA Wb2Uci 3000 10 10 3600 32% 3133 26% Pool of 25 engines, average UBC rating 3165, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 90000 W: 26222 L: 35408 D: 28370 Elo: +13 vs Protej dev_20240807b
The evaluation of passed pawns in specific types of positions has been toned down, as their strength was previously overestimated. Non-functional change: the Online Syzygy feature and its associated UCI options have been removed. The philosophy behind Protej is to be a completely self-sufficient engine, one that "knows what it knows", and thus it does not rely on external resources such as endgame tablebases, opening books, or external support. Furthermore, Protej will not utilize multithreading or NNUE evaluations, staying true to its core principle of independence. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 rofChade 2.3 3325 12 12 2400 78% 3120 28% 2 Laser 1.7 3307 12 12 2400 76% 3120 29% 3 Roc 1.9.1 3273 12 12 2400 71% 3120 28% 4 Schooner 2.2-sse 3273 12 12 2400 71% 3120 32% 5 Booot 6.5 popcnt 3254 12 12 2400 69% 3120 35% 6 Wasp 6.50 HCE 3245 12 12 2400 68% 3120 33% 7 Drofa 3.3.22 popcnt 3225 12 12 2400 64% 3120 28% 8 Senpai 2.0 3218 11 11 2400 64% 3120 35% 9 iCE 4.0.853 popcnt 3211 11 11 2400 63% 3120 34% 10 IPPOLIT 0.080a intel JA 3206 12 12 2400 61% 3120 23% 11 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 3197 11 11 2400 61% 3120 34% 12 Protector 1.9.0 3178 11 11 2400 58% 3120 32% 13 Pedantic 1.1.0 3177 11 11 2400 58% 3120 36% 14 Cheng 4.43 HCE 3164 11 11 2400 56% 3120 30% 15 Hannibal 1.7 3159 11 11 2400 55% 3120 33% 16 Berserk 4.1.0 popcnt 3146 11 11 2400 54% 3120 41% 17 Rybka 3 1-cpu 3144 11 11 2400 53% 3120 30% 18 Mr Bob 1.1.0 popcnt 3131 11 11 2400 52% 3120 34% 19 Protej dev_20240807b 3120 2 2 60000 43% 3168 32% 20 Monolith 2 popcnt 3112 11 11 2400 49% 3120 35% 21 Polaris 1.8.1 popcnt 3088 11 11 2400 45% 3120 33% 22 FabChess 1.16 POPCNT 3062 11 11 2400 42% 3120 35% 23 Naum 4.6 3060 12 12 2400 42% 3120 30% 24 Cheese 3.1.1 pop 3033 12 12 2400 38% 3120 30% 25 PeSTO 2.210 3024 12 12 2400 37% 3120 26% 26 Crafty 25.3 JA Wb2Uci 3000 12 12 2400 34% 3120 27% Pool of 25 engines, average UBC rating 3165, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 60000 W: 16434 L: 24533 D: 19033 Elo: +18 vs Protej dev_20240805a
The terms of the pawn evaluation function have been refined, and the level of abstraction, which in Delphi is counterproductive, has also been reduced. Non-functional change: new compiler version, Delphi 12. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 rofChade 2.3 3337 14 14 2000 81% 3102 25% 2 Laser 1.7 3298 14 14 2000 76% 3102 26% 3 Roc 1.9.1 3263 13 13 2000 72% 3102 28% 4 Booot 6.5 popcnt 3261 13 13 2000 72% 3102 30% 5 Schooner 2.2-sse 3258 13 13 2000 72% 3102 30% 6 Wasp 6.50 HCE 3242 13 13 2000 70% 3102 31% 7 Drofa 3.3.22 popcnt 3233 13 13 2000 68% 3102 28% 8 Senpai 2.0 3208 13 13 2000 65% 3102 33% 9 iCE 4.0.853 popcnt 3203 13 13 2000 64% 3102 31% 10 IPPOLIT 0.080a intel JA 3197 13 13 2000 63% 3102 23% 11 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 3193 13 13 2000 63% 3102 32% 12 Pedantic 1.1.0 3176 13 13 2000 61% 3102 31% 13 Protector 1.9.0 3171 13 13 2000 60% 3102 31% 14 Hannibal 1.7 3164 13 13 2000 59% 3102 31% 15 Berserk 4.1.0 popcnt 3147 12 12 2000 57% 3102 35% 16 Cheng 4.43 HCE 3138 13 13 2000 55% 3102 29% 17 Rybka 3 1-cpu 3138 13 13 2000 55% 3102 28% 18 Monolith 2 popcnt 3121 13 13 2000 53% 3102 32% 19 Mr Bob 1.1.0 popcnt 3119 12 12 2000 53% 3102 33% 20 Protej dev_20240805a 3102 3 3 50000 41% 3165 30% 21 Polaris 1.8.1 popcnt 3089 12 12 2000 48% 3102 34% 22 Naum 4.6 3063 13 13 2000 45% 3102 30% 23 FabChess 1.16 POPCNT 3054 12 12 2000 43% 3102 36% 24 Cheese 3.1.1 pop 3033 13 13 2000 41% 3102 30% 25 PeSTO 2.210 3013 13 13 2000 38% 3102 25% 26 Crafty 25.3 JA Wb2Uci 3000 13 13 2000 36% 3102 27% Pool of 25 engines, average UBC rating 3165, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: W: L: D: Elo: +21 vs Protej 0.6.6
Retest of version 0.6.6. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 rofChade 2.3 3324 10 10 4560 82% 3081 24% 2 Laser 1.7 3306 9 9 4560 80% 3081 24% 3 Schooner 2.2-sse 3265 9 9 4560 75% 3081 27% 4 Roc 1.9.1 3261 9 9 4560 74% 3081 25% 5 Booot 6.5 popcnt 3248 9 9 4560 73% 3081 29% 6 Wasp 6.50 HCE 3243 9 9 4560 72% 3081 29% 7 Drofa 3.3.22 popcnt 3213 9 9 4560 68% 3081 27% 8 IPPOLIT 0.080a intel JA 3210 9 9 4560 67% 3081 20% 9 Senpai 2.0 3208 9 9 4560 68% 3081 30% 10 iCE 4.0.853 popcnt 3207 9 9 4560 68% 3081 30% 11 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 3202 9 9 4560 67% 3081 29% 12 Pedantic 1.1.0 3180 8 8 4560 64% 3081 31% 13 Protector 1.9.0 3168 9 9 4560 62% 3081 28% 14 Hannibal 1.7 3167 9 9 4560 62% 3081 28% 15 Cheng 4.43 HCE 3142 9 9 4560 58% 3081 26% 16 Rybka 3 1-cpu 3137 9 9 4560 58% 3081 25% 17 Berserk 4.1.0 popcnt 3135 8 8 4560 58% 3081 36% 18 Mr Bob 1.1.0 popcnt 3115 8 8 4560 55% 3081 31% 19 Monolith 2 popcnt 3106 8 8 4560 54% 3081 32% 20 Polaris 1.8.1 popcnt 3085 8 8 4560 51% 3081 31% 21 Protej 0.6.6 3081 2 2 114000 39% 3163 28% 22 FabChess 1.16 POPCNT 3050 8 8 4560 46% 3081 32% 23 Naum 4.6 3048 9 9 4560 45% 3081 27% 24 PeSTO 2.210 3022 9 9 4560 42% 3081 25% 25 Cheese 3.1.1 pop 3021 8 8 4560 42% 3081 29% 26 Crafty 25.3 JA Wb2Uci 3000 9 9 4560 39% 3081 26% Pool of 25 engines, average UBC rating 3165, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 114000 W: 28305 L: 53720 D: 31975 Elo: 3081
New official release.
It includes all updates released with the dev versions after Protej 0.6.5:
Non-functional changes:
It includes also:
Non-functional changes:
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Senpai 2.0 105 12 12 2500 68% -17 31% 2 Deep iCE 4.0.853 x64/popcnt 100 12 12 2500 67% -17 30% 3 Texel 1.07 96 12 12 2500 66% -17 27% 4 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 89 12 12 2500 65% -17 30% 5 Wasp 3.75 86 12 12 2500 65% -17 30% 6 Hannibal 1.7 x64 68 12 12 2500 62% -17 28% 7 Protector 1.9.0 66 12 12 2500 62% -17 27% 8 Vajolet2 2.8.0 56 11 11 2500 61% -17 31% 9 Weiss 1.3 54 12 12 2500 60% -17 29% 10 Counter 4.0 42 11 11 2500 58% -17 31% 11 Cheng 4.41 35 12 12 2500 57% -17 27% 12 Mr Bob v1.1.0 35 11 11 2500 58% -17 31% 13 Berserk 4.1.0 30 11 11 2500 57% -17 37% 14 Combusken 1.2.0 8 11 11 2500 54% -17 30% 15 Invictus r382 8 11 11 2500 54% -17 35% 16 Monolith 2 6 11 11 2500 53% -17 32% 17 Stash v28.0 5 11 11 2500 53% -17 29% 18 Tucano 9.00 -11 11 11 2500 51% -17 32% 19 Protej 0.6.6 -17 2 2 70000 47% 1 29% 20 Koivisto 64 4.0 -18 11 11 2500 50% -17 30% 21 Polaris 1.8.1 -18 11 11 2500 50% -17 31% 22 Minic 2.33 -40 11 11 2500 47% -17 29% 23 Naum 4.6 -51 12 12 2500 45% -17 27% 24 FabChess v1.16 -52 11 11 2500 45% -17 32% 25 Winter 0.8 SSE4.2 -53 12 12 2500 45% -17 26% 26 Cheese 3.1.1 -63 11 11 2500 44% -17 29% 27 PeSTO 2.210 -80 12 12 2500 41% -17 25% 28 GOOB 1.8.9 -123 12 12 2500 36% -17 25% 29 bright-0.4a -365 17 17 2500 13% -17 8% Pool of 28 engines, average CCRL rating 3095, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 70000 W: 22795 L: 27040 D: 20165 Elo: +84 vs Protej 0.6.5
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Protej 0.6.6 31 4 4 21000 59% -31 26% 2 Protej 0.6.5 -31 4 4 21000 41% 31 26% Selfplay vs. Protej 0.6.5, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 21000 W: 9639 L: 5963 D: 5398 Elo: +62 vs Protej 0.6.5
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Protector 1.9.0 98 50 50 107 55% 64 42% 2 Winter 0.8 SSE4.2 97 50 50 107 55% 64 40% 3 Weiss 1.3 83 49 49 107 53% 64 44% 4 Vajolet2 2.8.0 72 49 49 107 51% 64 43% 5 Wasp 3.75 72 48 48 107 51% 64 50% 6 Deep iCE 4.0.853 x64/popcnt 70 49 49 107 51% 64 48% 7 Protej 0.6.6 64 10 10 3000 57% -3 39% 8 Senpai 2.0 59 49 49 107 49% 64 44% 9 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 58 52 52 107 49% 64 33% 10 Texel 1.07 57 50 50 107 49% 64 40% 11 Hannibal 1.7 x64 57 52 52 107 49% 64 31% 12 Koivisto 64 4.0 50 49 49 107 48% 64 47% 13 Invictus r382 46 49 49 107 48% 64 45% 14 Combusken 1.2.0 44 47 47 107 47% 64 56% 15 Berserk 4.1.0 41 49 49 108 47% 64 44% 16 Mr Bob v1.1.0 36 49 49 107 46% 64 45% 17 Counter 4.0 31 48 48 107 45% 64 49% 18 Cheng 4.41 20 50 50 108 44% 64 41% 19 Stash v28.0 3 48 48 107 41% 64 51% 20 Minic 2.33 3 49 49 107 41% 64 46% 21 Tucano 9.00 -4 52 52 107 41% 64 30% 22 FabChess v1.16 -8 49 49 107 39% 64 47% 23 GOOB 1.8.9 -24 51 51 107 38% 64 33% 24 Naum 4.6 -27 50 50 107 37% 64 40% 25 Monolith 2 -29 52 52 107 37% 64 30% 26 Polaris 1.8.1 -46 52 52 107 36% 64 28% 27 PeSTO 2.210 -77 53 53 107 31% 64 27% 28 Cheese 3.1.1 -119 53 53 108 25% 64 29% 29 bright-0.4a -726 273 273 108 0% 64 0% Pool of 20 engines, average CCRL rating 3095, TC=2'+1" (CCRL Blitz), Little Blitzer testing framework LTC Total: 3000 W: 1124 L: 697 D: 1179 Elo: 3159 (CCRL Blitz scale)
Massive optimization of types, variables, and data structures; introduction of new assembler functions. Non-functional change: improved printing related to compilation date. Debug: in console, the function displaying the position now indicates values in centipawns instead of pawns. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Senpai 2.0 114 12 12 2250 69% -24 29% 2 Deep iCE 4.0.853 x64/popcnt 100 12 12 2250 67% -24 28% 3 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 91 12 12 2250 66% -24 30% 4 Texel 1.07 86 12 12 2250 65% -24 27% 5 Wasp 3.75 86 12 12 2250 66% -24 30% 6 Protector 1.9.0 74 12 12 2250 64% -24 27% 7 Hannibal 1.7 x64 65 12 12 2250 63% -24 28% 8 Vajolet2 2.8.0 52 12 12 2250 61% -24 31% 9 Berserk 4.1.0 50 12 12 2250 61% -24 35% 10 Weiss 1.3 50 12 12 2250 60% -24 28% 11 Counter 4.0 49 12 12 2250 61% -24 31% 12 Cheng 4.41 28 12 12 2250 57% -24 27% 13 Mr Bob v1.1.0 16 12 12 2250 56% -24 30% 14 Stash v28.0 9 12 12 2250 55% -24 31% 15 Combusken 1.2.0 1 12 12 2250 54% -24 29% 16 Monolith 2 0 12 12 2250 53% -24 32% 17 Tucano 9.00 -1 12 12 2250 53% -24 30% 18 Invictus r382 -1 12 12 2250 53% -24 36% 19 Polaris 1.8.1 -16 12 12 2250 51% -24 31% 20 Koivisto 64 4.0 -21 12 12 2250 50% -24 30% 21 Protej dev_20231226b -24 2 2 63000 46% 1 29% 22 Minic 2.33 -29 12 12 2250 49% -24 28% 23 Naum 4.6 -46 12 12 2250 47% -24 28% 24 Winter 0.8 SSE4.2 -47 12 12 2250 47% -24 26% 25 FabChess v1.16 -49 12 12 2250 46% -24 31% 26 Cheese 3.1.1 -65 12 12 2250 44% -24 31% 27 PeSTO 2.210 -92 12 12 2250 41% -24 23% 28 GOOB 1.8.9 -110 12 12 2250 38% -24 28% 29 bright-0.4a -369 17 17 2250 13% -24 8% Pool of 28 engines, average CCRL rating 3096, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 63000 W: 19942 L: 24987 D: 18071 Elo: +8 vs Protej dev_202311212a
Parameter tuning for reduction handling in singular nodes. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Deep iCE 4.0.853 x64/popcnt 87 14 14 1750 67% -32 30% 2 Senpai 2.0 86 14 14 1750 67% -32 31% 3 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 85 14 14 1750 66% -32 30% 4 Wasp 3.75 69 14 14 1750 64% -32 31% 5 Texel 1.07 68 14 14 1750 64% -32 30% 6 Hannibal 1.7 x64 55 14 14 1750 62% -32 30% 7 Protector 1.9.0 47 14 14 1750 61% -32 28% 8 Counter 4.0 47 14 14 1750 61% -32 31% 9 Weiss 1.3 44 14 14 1750 61% -32 30% 10 Vajolet2 2.8.0 43 14 14 1750 61% -32 33% 11 Berserk 4.1.0 30 13 13 1750 59% -32 39% 12 Mr Bob v1.1.0 22 14 14 1750 58% -32 32% 13 Cheng 4.41 22 14 14 1750 57% -32 29% 14 Combusken 1.2.0 10 14 14 1750 56% -32 31% 15 Stash v28.0 2 14 14 1750 55% -32 30% 16 Monolith 2 -8 14 14 1750 53% -32 32% 17 Invictus r382 -13 13 13 1750 53% -32 39% 18 Koivisto 64 4.0 -20 13 13 1750 52% -32 32% 19 Tucano 9.00 -29 14 14 1750 50% -32 31% 20 Minic 2.33 -30 14 14 1750 50% -32 29% 21 Polaris 1.8.1 -31 14 14 1750 50% -32 31% 22 Protej dev_20231212a -32 3 3 49000 45% 1 30% 23 FabChess v1.16 -52 13 13 1750 47% -32 32% 24 Winter 0.8 SSE4.2 -57 14 14 1750 46% -32 25% 25 Naum 4.6 -70 14 14 1750 45% -32 28% 26 PeSTO 2.210 -76 14 14 1750 44% -32 23% 27 Cheese 3.1.1 -81 14 14 1750 43% -32 28% 28 bright-0.4a -96 14 14 1750 41% -32 26% 29 GOOB 1.8.9 -123 14 14 1750 38% -32 26% Pool of 28 engines, average CCRL rating 3096, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 49000 W: 14786 L: 19410 D: 14804 Elo: +8 vs Protej dev_20231129d
Removal of certain data structures, replaced by calculation functions. Refinement of the outpost evaluation function. Introduction of the singular extension. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Deep iCE 4.0.853 x64/popcnt 97 14 14 1800 69% -40 30% 2 Senpai 2.0 94 14 14 1800 69% -40 30% 3 Texel 1.07 86 14 14 1800 67% -40 27% 4 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 83 14 14 1800 67% -40 31% 5 Wasp 3.75 71 14 14 1800 66% -40 30% 6 Protector 1.9.0 53 14 14 1800 63% -40 29% 7 Hannibal 1.7 x64 50 14 14 1800 63% -40 28% 8 Counter 4.0 50 13 13 1800 63% -40 31% 9 Weiss 1.3 40 14 14 1800 61% -40 29% 10 Vajolet2 2.8.0 37 13 13 1800 61% -40 34% 11 Berserk 4.1.0 26 13 13 1800 60% -40 37% 12 Cheng 4.41 25 14 14 1800 59% -40 27% 13 Mr Bob v1.1.0 16 13 13 1800 58% -40 32% 14 Combusken 1.2.0 14 14 14 1800 58% -40 28% 15 Monolith 2 -5 13 13 1800 55% -40 33% 16 Invictus r382 -8 13 13 1800 55% -40 38% 17 Stash v28.0 -10 13 13 1800 54% -40 30% 18 Koivisto 64 4.0 -17 13 13 1800 53% -40 32% 19 Polaris 1.8.1 -17 13 13 1800 53% -40 33% 20 Tucano 9.00 -30 13 13 1800 52% -40 32% 21 Protej dev_20231129d -40 3 3 50400 44% 1 30% 22 Minic 2.33 -41 13 13 1800 50% -40 29% 23 Naum 4.6 -56 13 13 1800 48% -40 28% 24 FabChess v1.16 -59 13 13 1800 47% -40 31% 25 Winter 0.8 SSE4.2 -64 14 14 1800 47% -40 26% 26 PeSTO 2.210 -86 14 14 1800 44% -40 24% 27 Cheese 3.1.1 -93 13 13 1800 42% -40 32% 28 bright-0.4a -99 14 14 1800 42% -40 26% 29 GOOB 1.8.9 -117 14 14 1800 39% -40 27% Pool of 28 engines, average CCRL rating 3096, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 50400 W: 14632 L: 20601 D: 15167 Elo: +28 vs Protej dev_20231118d
Search functions: parameter tuning, code optimization, and improved execution speed. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Deep iCE 4.0.853 x64/popcnt 89 19 19 1000 72% -68 29% 2 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 82 19 19 1000 71% -68 27% 3 Senpai 2.0 82 19 19 1000 71% -68 29% 4 Texel 1.07 81 19 19 1000 71% -68 27% 5 Protector 1.9.0 58 19 19 1000 67% -68 27% 6 Hannibal 1.7 x64 57 19 19 1000 67% -68 27% 7 Counter 4.0 57 19 19 1000 67% -68 28% 8 Vajolet2 2.8.0 46 18 18 1000 66% -68 31% 9 Wasp 3.75 43 18 18 1000 66% -68 30% 10 Berserk 4.1.0 41 18 18 1000 66% -68 35% 11 Weiss 1.3 32 18 18 1000 64% -68 29% 12 Cheng 4.41 23 18 18 1000 62% -68 26% 13 Monolith 2 15 18 18 1000 62% -68 31% 14 Combusken 1.2.0 4 18 18 1000 60% -68 29% 15 Invictus r382 3 18 18 1000 60% -68 34% 16 Mr Bob v1.1.0 3 18 18 1000 60% -68 28% 17 Stash v28.0 1 18 18 1000 60% -68 30% 18 Koivisto 64 4.0 -1 18 18 1000 59% -68 30% 19 Polaris 1.8.1 -12 18 18 1000 58% -68 33% 20 Tucano 9.00 -19 18 18 1000 57% -68 29% 21 Minic 2.33 -29 18 18 1000 55% -68 29% 22 FabChess v1.16 -60 18 18 1000 51% -68 33% 23 Protej dev_20231118d -68 3 3 28000 40% 2 29% 24 Naum 4.6 -68 18 18 1000 50% -68 30% 25 Winter 0.8 SSE4.2 -75 18 18 1000 49% -68 27% 26 bright-0.4a -81 18 18 1000 48% -68 29% 27 PeSTO 2.210 -87 18 18 1000 47% -68 25% 28 Cheese 3.1.1 -94 18 18 1000 46% -68 29% 29 GOOB 1.8.9 -125 18 18 1000 42% -68 24% Pool of 28 engines, average CCRL rating 3096, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 28000 W: 7164 L: 12684 D: 8152 Elo: +11 vs Protej dev_20231108c
Code restructuring with grouping of types, constants, and global functions. Optimization of tapered scores handling routines. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Senpai 2.0 98 16 16 1450 74% -79 27% 2 Texel 1.07 93 16 16 1450 73% -79 23% 3 Deep iCE 4.0.853 x64/popcnt 81 16 16 1450 72% -79 27% 4 Wasp 3.75 76 16 16 1450 71% -79 27% 5 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 62 16 16 1450 70% -79 29% 6 Protector 1.9.0 59 16 16 1450 69% -79 26% 7 Hannibal 1.7 x64 53 16 16 1450 68% -79 26% 8 Counter 4.0 50 15 15 1450 68% -79 31% 9 Vajolet2 2.8.0 48 15 15 1450 68% -79 32% 10 Weiss 1.3 46 16 16 1450 67% -79 27% 11 Berserk 4.1.0 38 15 15 1450 67% -79 33% 12 Mr Bob v1.1.0 21 15 15 1450 64% -79 27% 13 Cheng 4.41 10 15 15 1450 62% -79 26% 14 Monolith 2 2 15 15 1450 62% -79 31% 15 Combusken 1.2.0 2 15 15 1450 61% -79 28% 16 Invictus r382 -4 15 15 1450 61% -79 34% 17 Koivisto 64 4.0 -8 15 15 1450 60% -79 30% 18 Stash v28.0 -9 15 15 1450 60% -79 30% 19 Minic 2.33 -27 15 15 1450 57% -79 28% 20 Tucano 9.00 -27 15 15 1450 57% -79 30% 21 Polaris 1.8.1 -28 15 15 1450 57% -79 31% 22 FabChess v1.16 -52 15 15 1450 54% -79 33% 23 Naum 4.6 -56 15 15 1450 53% -79 28% 24 Winter 0.8 SSE4.2 -71 15 15 1450 51% -79 26% 25 Cheese 3.1.1 -73 15 15 1450 51% -79 28% 26 Protej dev_20231108c -79 3 3 40600 39% 3 28% 27 bright-0.4a -94 15 15 1450 48% -79 26% 28 PeSTO 2.210 -99 15 15 1450 47% -79 24% 29 GOOB 1.8.9 -115 15 15 1450 45% -79 24% Pool of 28 engines, average CCRL rating 3096, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 40600 W: 9960 L: 19200 D: 11440 Elo: +11 vs Protej dev_20230919a
Retest of version dev_20230919a. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Deep iCE 4.0.853 x64/popcnt 91 21 21 929 74% -90 19% 2 Senpai 2.0 86 21 21 928 73% -90 21% 3 Protector 1.9.0 80 21 21 928 73% -90 23% 4 Wasp 3.75 78 21 21 927 73% -90 23% 5 Counter 4.0 72 21 21 929 72% -90 22% 6 Texel 1.07 68 21 21 928 71% -90 21% 7 SlowChess Blitz Classic 1.8 66 20 20 928 72% -90 28% 8 Vajolet2 2.8.0 61 20 20 927 71% -90 26% 9 Weiss 1.3 60 20 20 927 71% -90 24% 10 Hannibal 1.7 x64 54 20 20 929 70% -90 23% 11 Berserk 4.1.0 31 19 19 930 67% -90 30% 12 Mr Bob v1.1.0 25 20 20 929 65% -90 20% 13 Invictus r382 21 19 19 929 66% -90 29% 14 Cheng 4.41 14 20 20 930 65% -90 25% 15 Combusken 1.2.0 -7 20 20 929 61% -90 22% 16 Monolith 2 -7 19 19 929 62% -90 27% 17 Stash v28.0 -11 19 19 928 61% -90 27% 18 Koivisto 64 4.0 -21 20 20 929 59% -90 23% 19 Minic 2.33 -28 19 19 929 59% -90 25% 20 Polaris 1.8.1 -34 19 19 928 58% -90 24% 21 Tucano 9.00 -39 19 19 928 57% -90 26% 22 FabChess v1.16 -68 19 19 929 53% -90 29% 23 Winter 0.8 SSE4.2 -70 19 19 927 53% -90 23% 24 PeSTO 2.210 -77 19 19 928 52% -90 23% 25 Naum 4.6 -77 19 19 929 52% -90 24% 26 Cheese 3.1.1 -81 19 19 930 51% -90 27% 27 Protej dev_20230919a -90 4 4 26000 37% 3 24% 28 bright-0.4a -92 19 19 930 50% -90 23% 29 GOOB 1.8.9 -106 19 19 929 48% -90 24% Pool of 28 engines, average CCRL rating 3096, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 26000 W: 6513 L: 13157 D: 6330 Elo: +11 vs Protej 0.6.5 (recalculated)
Search parameters tuned. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Mr Bob v1.1.0 214 16 16 1400 64% 112 21% 2 Tucano 9.00 175 16 16 1400 59% 112 26% 3 Cheese 3.1.1 122 16 16 1400 51% 112 25% 4 Protej dev_20230919a 112 4 4 28000 65% -6 21% 5 PeSTO 2.210 102 16 16 1400 49% 112 23% 6 bright-0.4a 96 16 16 1400 48% 112 22% 7 Berserk 3.3.0 83 16 16 1400 46% 112 29% 8 Quazar 0.4 x64 55 16 16 1400 42% 112 23% 9 Cheese 3.0.0 54 16 16 1400 42% 112 23% 10 Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 (2.0.0-pre2-dirty-97e5c32) 41 16 16 1400 40% 112 24% 11 Spike 1.4 7 16 16 1400 35% 112 24% 12 Leorik 2.3 -25 17 17 1400 31% 112 23% 13 Arminius 2018-12-23 -32 17 17 1400 30% 112 23% 14 Pawny 1.2.x64.SSE4.2 -34 17 17 1400 30% 112 21% 15 GreKo 2021.06 -39 17 17 1400 30% 112 20% 16 K2 v.0.99 -47 17 17 1400 29% 112 21% 17 odonata v0.6.2 -75 17 17 1400 25% 112 20% 18 Coiled 1.1 x64 -159 20 20 1400 17% 112 14% 19 Devel 3.8.4 -187 20 20 1400 14% 112 15% 20 The Baron 3.44.1 64-bits version -204 21 21 1400 13% 112 13% 21 SmarThink 1.98 -258 24 24 1400 11% 112 7% Pool of 20 engines, average CCRL rating 2910, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 28000 W: 15196 L: 6973 D: 5831 Elo: +9 vs Protej dev_20230918a
Evaluation of attacked, defended and undefended pieces optimized. Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Mr Bob v1.1.0 219 16 16 1400 66% 103 21% 2 Tucano 9.00 181 16 16 1400 61% 103 24% 3 Cheese 3.1.1 110 16 16 1400 51% 103 26% 4 PeSTO 2.210 104 16 16 1400 50% 103 21% 5 Protej dev_20230918a 103 4 4 28000 64% -5 21% 6 Berserk 3.3.0 100 15 15 1400 50% 103 30% 7 bright-0.4a 92 16 16 1400 48% 103 23% 8 Cheese 3.0.0 55 16 16 1400 43% 103 25% 9 Quazar 0.4 x64 53 16 16 1400 43% 103 23% 10 Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 (2.0.0-pre2-dirty-97e5c32) 44 16 16 1400 42% 103 24% 11 Spike 1.4 -6 16 16 1400 35% 103 22% 12 Pawny 1.2.x64.SSE4.2 -23 16 16 1400 32% 103 25% 13 Leorik 2.3 -37 17 17 1400 31% 103 23% 14 Arminius 2018-12-23 -41 17 17 1400 30% 103 24% 15 GreKo 2021.06 -42 17 17 1400 31% 103 20% 16 K2 v.0.99 -52 17 17 1400 29% 103 22% 17 odonata v0.6.2 -76 17 17 1400 26% 103 20% 18 Coiled 1.1 x64 -152 19 19 1400 19% 103 15% 19 Devel 3.8.4 -179 20 20 1400 15% 103 17% 20 The Baron 3.44.1 64-bits version -214 21 21 1400 13% 103 12% 21 SmarThink 1.98 -236 22 22 1400 13% 103 9% Pool of 20 engines, average CCRL rating 2910, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 28000 W: 14829 L: 7184 D: 5987 Elo: +8 vs Protej 0.6.5
New official release.
Includes all updates from dev versions from a to k:
Non-functional changes:
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Mr Bob v1.1.0 215 14 14 2000 67% 95 22% 2 Tucano 9.00 173 13 13 2000 61% 95 25% 3 PeSTO 2.210 128 13 13 2000 55% 95 24% 4 Cheese 3.1.1 109 13 13 2000 52% 95 27% 5 bright-0.4a 107 13 13 2000 52% 95 23% 6 Protej 0.6.5 95 3 3 40000 63% -5 22% 7 Berserk 3.3.0 88 13 13 2000 49% 95 27% 8 Cheese 3.0.0 54 13 13 2000 44% 95 27% 9 Quazar 0.4 x64 54 13 13 2000 44% 95 23% 10 Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 (2.0.0-pre2-dirty-97e5c32) 39 13 13 2000 42% 95 25% 11 Spike 1.4 3 13 13 2000 37% 95 26% 12 Leorik 2.3 -31 14 14 2000 32% 95 24% 13 GreKo 2021.06 -36 14 14 2000 32% 95 21% 14 Pawny 1.2.x64.SSE4.2 -37 14 14 2000 32% 95 23% 15 Arminius 2018-12-23 -50 14 14 2000 30% 95 22% 16 K2 v.0.99 -55 14 14 2000 30% 95 22% 17 odonata v0.6.2 -72 14 14 2000 28% 95 20% 18 Coiled 1.1 x64 -160 16 16 2000 18% 95 16% 19 Devel 3.8.4 -173 16 16 2000 17% 95 16% 20 The Baron 3.44.1 64-bits version -203 17 17 2000 15% 95 14% 21 SmarThink 1.98 -249 19 19 2000 12% 95 9% Pool of 20 engines, average CCRL rating 2910, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 40000 W: 20680 L: 10610 D: 8710 Elo: +125 vs Protej 0.6.4
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Protej 0.6.5 74 6 6 10000 70% -74 30% 2 Protej 0.6.4 -74 6 6 10000 30% 74 30% Selfplay vs. Protej 0.6.4, TC=4"+0.1, Little Blitzer testing framework STC Total: 10000 W: 5550 L: 1491 D: 2959 Elo: +148 vs Protej 0.6.4
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Mr Bob v1.1.0 244 48 48 150 61% 158 20% 2 Protej 0.6.5 158 11 11 3000 71% -8 24% 3 Tucano 9.00 152 45 45 150 49% 158 37% 4 Berserk 3.3.0 144 45 45 150 48% 158 33% 5 PeSTO 2.210 114 45 45 150 43% 158 35% 6 bright-0.4a 88 46 46 150 40% 158 34% 7 Quazar 0.4 x64 68 47 47 150 37% 158 28% 8 Spike 1.4 27 48 48 150 32% 158 29% 9 Daydreamer 2.0.0-pre2 (2.0.0-pre2-dirty-97e5c32) 24 48 48 150 32% 158 25% 10 Cheese 3.1.1 23 49 49 150 32% 158 21% 11 Devel 3.8.4 5 49 49 150 30% 158 22% 12 The Baron 3.44.1 64-bits version 1 49 49 150 28% 158 26% 13 Cheese 3.0.0 -40 51 51 150 24% 158 21% 14 Arminius 2018-12-23 -55 51 51 150 22% 158 23% 15 GreKo 2021.06 -77 53 53 150 20% 158 20% 16 Pawny 1.2.x64.SSE4.2 -84 53 53 150 19% 158 21% 17 K2 v.0.99 -95 54 54 150 18% 158 21% 18 Coiled 1.1 x64 -105 55 55 150 17% 158 19% 19 Leorik 2.3 -118 56 56 150 15% 158 20% 20 odonata v0.6.2 -147 61 61 150 15% 158 12% 21 SmarThink 1.98 -328 92 92 150 5% 158 5% Pool of 20 engines, average CCRL rating 2910, TC=2'+1" (CCRL Blitz), Little Blitzer testing framework LTC Total: 3000 W: 1767 L: 527 D: 706 Elo: 3068 (CCRL Blitz scale)
Protej 0.1.1 vs 1000 CPP1 v0.1038 +30 =11 -19 35.5 - 24.5 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1074 LaMoSca 0.1 +6 =48 -6 30.0 - 30.0 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1306 T.rex 1.8.5 +21 =0 -39 21.0 - 39.0 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1379 S-Chess 1.42 +18 =0 -42 18.0 - 42.0 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1281 Cassandre 0.24 +0 =9 -51 4.5 - 55.5 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1337 Raffaela 0.11.0 +2 =2 -56 3.0 - 57.0 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1017 PreChess 0.7.8 +2 =1 -57 2.5 - 57.5 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1385 SharpChess 0.06 +0 =4 -56 2.0 - 58.0 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1168 Sinapse 1.0 +2 =0 -58 2.0 - 58.0 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1156 Pierre 1.7 +1 =0 -59 1.0 - 59.0 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1238 TheLightning 2.04 +0 =1 -59 0.5 - 59.5 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1277 Gaia 1.0 +0 =0 -60 0.0 - 60.0 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1206 Chad's Chess 015 +0 =0 -60 0.0 - 60.0 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1332 Pentagon 1.2 +0 =0 -60 0.0 - 60.0 Protej 0.1.1 vs 1132 FUSCH# 1.07 +0 =0 -60 0.0 - 60.0 Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws 1 Gaia 1.0 309 301 301 60 100% -430 0% 2 Chad's Chess 015 309 301 301 60 100% -430 0% 3 Pentagon 1.2 309 301 301 60 100% -430 0% 4 FUSCH# 1.07 309 301 301 60 100% -430 0% 5 TheLightning 2.04 203 218 218 60 99% -430 2% 6 Pierre 1.7 199 218 218 60 98% -430 0% 7 Sinapse 1.0 133 181 181 60 97% -430 0% 8 PreChess 0.7.8 86 158 158 60 96% -430 2% 9 SharpChess 0.06 56 143 143 60 97% -430 7% 10 Raffaela 0.11.0 49 143 143 60 95% -430 3% 11 Cassandre 0.24 -62 106 106 60 93% -430 15% 12 S-Chess 1.42 -249 88 88 60 70% -430 0% 13 T.rex 1.8.5 -297 85 85 60 65% -430 0% 14 LaMoSca 0.1 -428 62 62 60 50% -430 80% 15 Protej 0.1.1 -430 31 31 900 13% 29 8% 16 CPP1 v0.1038 -497 77 77 60 41% -430 18% Pool of 15 engines, average ChessWar rating 1219, TC=1'+1", STC Total: 900 W: 82 L: 742 D: 76 Elo: 789